

Valenced dual tasking in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder

IJdema, T., Laceulle, O.M., Thomaes, K. & Korrelboom, K.
Verschenen in Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy (2023)

Clonidine augmentation in patients with schizophrenia: A double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial

Kruiper, C., Sommer, I.E.C., Koster, M., Doornebal-Bakker, R., Durston, S. & Oranje, B.
Verschenen in Schizophrenia Research, 255, 148-154 (2023)

The impact of COVID-19 related adversity on the course of mental health during the pandemic and the role of protective factors: a longitudinal study among older adults in The Netherlands

Holwerda, T.J., Jaarsma, E., van Zutphen, E.M., Beekman, A.T.F., Pan, K.Y., van Vliet, M., Stringa, N., van den Besselaar, J.H. & Kok, A.A.L.
Verschenen in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 58 (7), 1109-1120 (2023)

Personal recovery suits us all: A study in patients with non-affective psychosis, unaffected siblings and healthy controls

Van Eck, R., van Velden, J., Vellinga, A., van der Krieke, L., Castelein, S., van Amelsvoort, T., Bruggeman, R., Cahn, W., Simons, C.J.P., van Os, J., De Haan, L. & Schirmbeck, F.
Verschenen in Schizophrenia Research, 255, 24-32 (2023)

Associations between genetic liabilities to smoking behavior and schizophrenia symptoms in patients with a psychotic disorder, their siblings and healthy controls

Lin, B.D., Vermeulen, J.M., Bolhuis, K., Chang, X., Schirmbeck, F., GROUP Investigators, Blankers, M., De Haan, L. & Luykx, J.J.
Verschenen in Psychiatry Research, 323 (2023)

Alcohol use as a predictor of the course of major depressive disorder: a prospective population-based study

Schouten, M.J.E., ten Have, M., Tuithof, M., de Graaf, R., Dekker, J.J.M., Goudriaan, A.E. & Blankers, M.
Verschenen in Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 32 (e14), 1-8 (2023)

The influence of parents and peers on adolescents’ problematic social media use revealed

Leijse, M.M.L., Koning, I.M. & van den Eijnden, R.J.J.M.
Verschenen in Computers in Human Behavior, 143 (2023)

Aggressive Incidents by Incarcerated People With Psychiatric Illness and Their Relationship With Psychiatric Symptoms

Van Beek, J., Meijers, J., Scherder, E.J.A. & Harte, J.M.
Verschenen in Journal of Forensic Nursing (2023)

Therapeutic effect of psilocybin in addiction: A systematic review

van der Meer, P.B., Fuentes, J.J., Kaptein, A.A., Schoones, J.W., De Waal, M.M., Goudriaan, A.E., Kramers, K., Schellekens, A., Somers, M., Bossong, M.G. & Battalla, A.
Verschenen in Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14 (2023)

Intergenerational impact of childhood trauma on hair cortisol concentrations in mothers and their young infants

Broeks, C., Molenaar, N., Brouwer, M., van den Akker, E.L.T., van Rossum , E.F.C., Van, H., van den Berg, S.A.A., Hillegers, M., Hoogendijk, W.J.G., Burger, H., Bockting, C.L.H., Kamperman, A.M. & Lambregtse-van den Berg, M.P.
Verschenen in Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 14 (2023)

Het opwindingsdelier bij gewelddadige arrestatie: preventie, behandeling en controverses

Heuts, S.G., Zoeteman, J., van Reijsen, A.F.R.R. & Van, H.
Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 65 (1), 22-28 (2023)

Psychotische klachten bij patiënten met een lichte verstandelijke beperking, Volg een integratieve benadering

Seelig, R., Kerstholt, M. & Schölvinck, J.
Verschenen in Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 167 (2023)

Mapping Conscience: Network Analysis Into the Differences in Maturation of Offending and Non-Offending Adolescents

de Brauw, M., Popma, A., Peen, J., Peters, C. & Schalkwijk, F.
Verschenen in International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (2022)

A Common Measurement Scale for Self-Report Instruments in Mental Health Care

De Beurs, E., Oudejans, S. & Terluin, B.
Verschenen in Psychological Assessment (2022)
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