Enquêteresultaten bespreken in cliëntenpanels: nuttige aanpak voor cliëntenraad
Riemersma, M.,
Maagd, C., de Rooy, N.,
Lommerse, N.M.,
Visch, I.,
Kronemeijer, J.E. &
De Beurs, E.Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 66 (4), 188-194 (2024)
Dosage effects of psychodynamic and schema therapy in people with comorbid depression and personality disorder: four-arm pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Kool, M.,
Van, H.,
Arntz, A.R., Bartak, A.,
Peen, J.,
Dil, L.M., de Boer, K. &
Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in The British Journal of Psychiatry (2024)
Economic evaluation of intensive home treatment in comparison to care as usual alongside a randomised controlled trial
Barakat, A.,
Cornelis, J.,
Dekker, J.J.M.,
Lommerse, N.M.,
Beekman, A.T.F. &
Blankers, M.Verschenen in European Journal of Health Economics (2024)
Gender-specific pathways in mental health crisis in adolescents, from consultation to (in)voluntary admission: a retrospective study
Dil, L.M., Mérelle, S.Y.M.,
Lommerse, N.M.,
Peen, J., So, P.,
Van, H.,
Zoeteman, J. &
Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in BMC Psychiatry, 24, 235 (2024)
Internet-based emotion regulation training aimed at reducing violent revictimization and depressive symptoms in victimized depressed patients: Results of a randomized controlled trial
Christ, C., van Schaik, D.J.F.,
Kikkert, M.J.,
De Waal, M.M., Dozeman, E., Hulstijn, H.L., Koomen, L.M., Krah, I.M., Schut, D.M.,
Beekman, A.T.F. &
Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in Journal of Affective Disorders, 21 (2024)
An individual participant data meta-analysis of psychological interventions for preventing depression relapse
Breedvelt, J.J.F., Karyotaki, E., Warren, F.C., Brouwer, M.,
De Jonge, M., Cuijpers, P., van Oppen, P., Gilbody, S.,
Bockting, C.L.H. & et al.
Verschenen in Nature Mental Health, 2, 154-163 (2024)
The relationship between substance use and self-reported aspects of social functioning in patients with a psychotic disorder
van der Heijden, S.,
Kikkert, M.J.,
De Haan, L., Segeren, M., Molman, S.,
Schirmbeck, F. & Vermeulen, J.
Verschenen in European Psychiatry (2024)
Treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa and comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder; where do we stand? A systematic scoping review
Van den Berg, E.M.,
Pellemans, K., Planting, C., Daansen, P.,
Van Beers, E.,
De Jonge, M.,
Christ, C. &
Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15 (2024)
Web-based guided self-help cognitive behavioral therapy-enhanced versus treatment as usual for binge-eating disorder: a randomized controlled trial protocol
Van Beers, E.,
Melisse, B.,
De Jonge, M.,
Peen, J.,
Van den Berg, E.M. &
De Beurs, E.Verschenen in Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15 (2024)
Wonen in de wijk met een ernstige psychische aandoening
de Wit, M., van Husen, G., Kösters, M., Piek, E.,
Kikkert, M.J.,
Lommerse, N.M., Heering, J., Nijboer, C. & Lauriks, S.
Verschenen in GGD Amsterdam (2024)
Impact of clinical severity on treatment response in a randomized controlled trial comparing day hospital and intensive outpatient mentalization-based treatment for borderline personality disorder
Smits, M.L., Feenstra, D.J.,
Blankers, M., Kamphuis, J.H., Bales, D.L.,
Dekker, J.J.M., Verheul, R., Busschbach, J.J.V. & Luyten, P.
Verschenen in Personality and Mental Health (2024)
Effects on voice hearing distress and social functioning of unguided application of a smartphone app – A randomized controlled trial
Jongeneel, A., Delespaul, P., Tromp, N., Scheffers, D., van der Vleugel, B., de Bont, P.,
Kikkert, M.J., Croes, C.F., Staring, A.B.P., Riper, H., van der Gaag, M. & van den Berg, D.
Verschenen in Internet Interventions, 35 (2024)
Prescriptive factors for intensive home treatment in acute psychiatry: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial
Barakat, A.,
Blankers, M.,
Cornelis, J.,
Lommerse, N.M.,
Beekman, A.T.F. &
Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 18 (2024)
Economic evaluation of preventive cognitive therapy versus care as usual in cognitive behavioral therapy responders
De Jonge, M.,
Blankers, M.,
Bockting, C.L.H., van Dijk, M.K.,
Kikkert, M.J. &
Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14 (2023)
Effects of psychotherapy on brain activation during negative emotional processing in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Aarts, I., Thorsen, A.L., Vriend, C., Planting, C., van den Heuvel, O.A. &
Thomaes, K.Verschenen in Brain Imaging and Behavior (2023)
A Cross-sectional Conceptual Replication and Longitudinal Evaluation of the PANSS-Autism-Severity-Score Measure Suggests it Does Not Capture Autistic Traits in Individuals With Psychosis
Chisholm, K.,
Schirmbeck, F., Pinkham, A.E., Sasson, N.J., Simons, C.J.P.,
De Haan, L., Harvey, P.D., Penn, D.L. & Ziermans, T.
Verschenen in Schizophrenia Bulletin (2023)
Towards a more comprehensive understanding of PTSD and parenting
Meijer, L., Franz, M.R., Deković, M., van Ee, E., Finkenauer, C., Kleber, R.J., van de Putte, E.M. &
Thomaes, K.Verschenen in Comprehensive Psychiatry, 127 (2023)
Alcohol use disorder treatment via video conferencing compared with in-person therapy during COVID-19 social distancing: A non-inferiority comparison of three cohorts
De Beurs, E., Rademacher, C.,
Blankers, M.,
Peen, J.,
Dekker, J.J.M. &
Goudriaan, A.E.Verschenen in Alcohol, Clinical & Experimental Research, 47 (11), 2208-2217 (2023)
Age-Related Social Cognitive Performance in Individuals With Psychotic Disorders and Their First-Degree Relatives
Velthorst, E., Socrates, A., GROUP Investigators, Alizadeh, B.Z., van Amelsvoort, T.,
De Haan, L.,
Schirmbeck, F., van Os, J. & Fett, A.K.
Verschenen in Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49 (6), 1460-1469 (2023)