

Psychodynamiek en DSM

Van, H. & Abraham, R.
Verschenen in Handboek Psychodynamiek (2011)

Psychodynamische visies op depressie

Van, H.
Verschenen in Handboek Psychodynamiek (2011)

Juridische verantwoording en klachtrecht

Van, H.
Verschenen in Handboek Spoedeisende Psychiatrie (2011)

Toepassing van drang en dwang

Van, H.
Verschenen in Handboek Spoedeisende Psychiatrie (2011)

Comorbiditeit affectieve stoornissen

Kool, S. & Van, H.
Verschenen in Handboek Borderline Persoonlijkheidsstoornis (2011)

Internet therapy versus internet self-help versus no treatment for problematic alcohol use: A randomized controlled trial

Blankers, M., Koeter, M.W.J. & Schippers, G.M.
Verschenen in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79 (3), 330-341 (2011)

Modafinil bij psychiatrische aandoeningen: de veelbelovende status opnieuw bekeken

Joos, L., Docx, L., Schmaal, L., Sabbe, B.G.C. & Dom, G.
Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 52, 763-773 (2010)

Effect of medication-related factors on adherence in people with schizophrenia: An European multi-centre study

Meier, J., Becker, T., Patel, A., Robson, D., Schene, A.H., Kikkert, M.J., Barbui, C., Burti, L. & Puschner, B.
Verschenen in Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 19 (3), 251-259 (2010)

Religious coping and depression in multicultural Amsterdam: A comparison between native Dutch citizens and Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese/Antillean migrants

Braam, A.W., Schrier, A.C., Tuinebreijer, W.C., Beekman, A.T.F., Dekker, J.J.M. & de Wit, M.A.S.
Verschenen in Journal of Affective Disorders, 125 (1-3), 269-278 (2010)

Implicit and explicit affective associations towards cannabis use in patients with recent-onset schizophrenia and healthy controls

Dekker, N., Smeerdijk, A.M., Wiers, R.W., Duits, J.H., van Gelder, G., Houben, K., Schippers, G., Linszen, D.H. & De Haan, L.
Verschenen in Psychological Medicine, 40 (8), 1325-1336 (2010)

White-matter markers for psychosis in a prospective ultra-high-risk cohort

Bloemen, O.J.N., De Koning, M.B., Schmitz, N., Nieman, D.H., Becker, H.E., De Haan, L., Dingemans, P., Linszen, D.H. & van Amelsvoort, T.A.M.J.
Verschenen in Psychological Medicine, 40 (8), 1297-1304 (2010)

Psychometric properties of the Helping Alliance Questionnaire-I in psychodynamic psychotherapy for major depression

Hendriksen, M., Van, H., Peen, J., Oudejans, S.C.C., Schoevers, R.A. & Dekker, J.J.M.
Verschenen in Psychotherapy Research, 20 (5), 589-598 (2010)

The developmental profile: validation of a theory-driven instrument for personality assessment

Polak, M., Van, H., Overeem-Seldenrijk, J., Heiser, W.J. & Abraham, R.E.
Verschenen in Psychotherapy Research, 20 (3), 259-272 (2010)

Does pretreatment severity moderate the efficacy of psychological treatment of adult outpatient depression? A meta-analysis

Driessen, E., Cuijpers, P., Hollon, S.D. & Dekker, J.J.M.
Verschenen in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78 (5), 668-680 (2010)

Crisis intervention and acute pscyhiatry in Amsterdam, 20 years of change: A historical comparison of consultations in 1983 and 2004-2005

Van der Post, L., Dekker, J.J.M., Jonkers, J.F.J., Beekman, A.T.F., Mulder, C.L., De Haan, L., Mulder, W.G. & Schoevers, R.A.
Verschenen in International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 56 (4), 348-359 (2010)

Measurements in addictions for triage and evaluation (MATE): an instrument based on the World Health Organization family of international classifications

Schippers, G.M., Broekman, T.G., Buchholz, A., Koeter, M.W.J. & van den Brink, W.
Verschenen in Addiction, 105 (5), 862-871 (2010)

Das Stepped-Care-Modell: Von der Minimalintervention zur umfassende Behandlung

Nabitz, U.W., Schippers, G.M. & Merkx, M.J.M.
Verschenen in Sucht Aktuell, 17 (2), 19-23 (2010)

The efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression: a meta-analysis

Driessen, E., Cuijpers, P., de Maat, S.C.M., Abbass, A.A., de Jonghe, F. & Dekker, J.J.M.
Verschenen in Clinical Psychology Review, 30 (1), 25-36 (2010)

De Cannabisshow. Een preventieve peer-education methode op het podium.

Van der Spek, N., Peters. G.J.Y., Noijen, J. & Jamin, J.
Verschenen in Verslaving, 6, 22-36 (2010)

The current status of urban-rural differences in psychiatric disorders

Peen, J., Schoevers, R.A., Beekman, A.T.F. & Dekker, J.J.M.
Verschenen in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia, 121 (2), 84-93 (2010)

Guided CBT Internet Interventions: Specific Issues in Supporting Clients with Depression, Anxiety and Co-morbid Conditions

Proudfout, J., Klein, B., Andersson, G., Carbring, P., Kyrios, M., Munro, C., Lauder, S., Palermo, T., Riper, H. & Blankers, M.
Verschenen in Oxford Guid to Low Intensity CBT interventions (2010)

Early intervention in patients at ultra high risk of psychosis: benefits and risks.

De Koning, M.B., Bloemen, O.J.N., van Amelsvoort, T.A.M.J., Becker, H.E., Nieman, D.H., van der Gaag, M. & Linszen, D.H.
Verschenen in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia, 119 (6), 426-442 (2009)
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