

Groepstherapie voor obesitas: maakt het vooruitzicht van een operatie verschil?

Van den Berg, E.M., Peen, J., van Empelen, R. & Dekker, J.J.M.
Verschenen in Directieve Therapie, 34 (2), 130-141 (2014)

De rol van de psychiater; medisch, contextueel én persoonsgericht denken en handelen in de psychiatrie

van Oenen, F.J., van Deursen, S. & Cornelis, J.
Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 56, 728-736 (2014)

Day Hospital Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT-DH) versus treatment as usual in the treatment of severe borderline personality disorder: Protocol of a randomized controlled trial

Laurenssen, E.M.P., Westra, D., Kikkert, M.J., Noom, M.J., Eeren, H.V., van Broekhuyzen, A.J., Peen, J., Luyten, P., Busschbach, J.J.V. & Dekker, J.J.M.
Verschenen in BMC Psychiatry, 14, 149 (2014)

Growing evidence for psychodynamic therapy for depression

Dekker, J.J.M., Hendriksen, M., Kool, S., Bakker, L., Driessen, E., de Jonghe, F., de Maat, S., Peen, J. & Van, H.
Verschenen in Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 50 (1-2), 131-155 (2014)

Neural substrates of impulsive decision making modulated by modafinil in alcohol-dependent patients

Schmaal, L., Goudriaan, A.E., Joos, L., Dom, G., Pattij, T., Van den Brink, W. & Veltman, D.J.
Verschenen in Psychological Medicine, 44 (13), 2787-2798 (2014)

Ethnic density is not associated with psychological distress in Turkish-Dutch, Moroccan-Dutch and Surinamese-Dutch ethnic minorities in the Netherlands

Schrier, A.C., Peen, J., de Wit, M.A.S., van Ameijden, E.J.C., Erdem, Ö., Verhoeff, A.P., Dekker, J.J.M. & Beekman, A.T.F.
Verschenen in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 49, 1557-1567 (2014)

Can pharmacological and psychological treatment change brain structure and function in PTSD? A systematic review

Thomaes, K., Dorrepaal, E., Draijer, N., Jansma, E.P., Veltman, D.J. & van Balkom, A.J.L.M.
Verschenen in Journal of Psychiatric Research, 50, 1-15 (2014)

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of meaning-centered group psychotherapy in cancer survivors: protocol of a randomized controlled trial

Van der Spek, N., Vos, J., van Uden-Kraan, C.F., Breitbart, W., Cuijpers, P., Knipscheer-Kuipers, K., Willemsen, V., Tollenaar, R.A.E.M., van Asperen, C.J. & Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M.
Verschenen in BMC Psychiatry, 14 (22) (2014)

Meaning-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Cancer Survivors: a Feasibility Study

Van der Spek, N., van Uden-Kraan, C.F., Vos, J., Breitbart, W., Tollenaar, R.A.E.M., van Asperen, C.J., Cuijpers, P. & Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M.
Verschenen in Psycho-oncology, 23, 827-831 (2014)

De psychiater maakt het verschil!

Van, H.
Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 56 (2), 76-78 (2014)

Feelings of loneliness, but not social isolation, predict dementia onset: Results from the Amsterdam Study of the Elderly (AMSTEL)

Holwerda, T.J., Heeg, D.J.H., Beekman, A.T.F., van Tilburg, T.G., Stek, M.L., Jonker, C. & Schoevers, R.A.
Verschenen in Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 85 (2), 135-142 (2014)

Is the alliance always a predictor of change in psychotherapy for depression?

Hendriksen, M., Peen, J., Van, H., Barber, J.P. & Dekker, J.J.M.
Verschenen in Psychotherapy Research, 24 (2), 160-170 (2014)

Depression, subthreshold depression and comorbid anxiety symptoms in older Europeans: Results from the EURODEP concerted action.

Braam, A.W., Copeland, J.R.M., Delespaul, P.A.E.G., Beekman, A.T.F., Como, A., Dewey, M., Fichter, M., Holwerda, T.J. & Skoog, I. (et al.)
Verschenen in Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, 266-272 (2014)

Pre-pulse inhibition and striatal dopamine in subjects at an ultra-high risk for psychosis

De Koning, M.B., Bloemen, O.J.N., van Duin, E.D.A., Booij, J., Abel, K.M., De Haan, L., Linszen, D.H. & van Amelsvoort, T.A.M.J.
Verschenen in Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28 (6), 553-560 (2014)

Psychiatric comorbidity in treatment-seeking substance use disorder patients with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: results of the IASP study

Van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, K., van de Glind, G., Koeter, M.W.J., Allsop, S., Auriacombe, M., Barta, C., IASP Research Group, Van den Brink, W., Schoevers, R.A. & et al.
Verschenen in Addiction, 109 (2), 262-272 (2014)

Variability in the prevalence of adult ADHD in treatment seeking substance use disorder patients: results from an international multi-center study exploring DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria

van de Glind, G., Konstenius, M., Koeter, M.W.J., Van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, K., Carpentier, P.J., Kaye, S., IASP Research Group, Van den Brink, W. & et. al.
Verschenen in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 134 (1), 158-166 (2014)

Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Self-Sufficiency Matrix (SSM-D)

Fassaert, T., Lauriks, S., van de Weerd, S., Theunissen, J., Kikkert, M.J., Dekker, J.J.M., Buster, M. & de Wit, M.
Verschenen in Community Mental Health, 50 (5), 583-590 (2013)

Effects of non-invasive neurostimulation on craving: a meta-analysis

Jansen, J.M., Daams, J.G., Koeter, M.W.J., Veltman, D.J., Van den Brink, W. & Goudriaan, A.E.
Verschenen in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 37 (10), 2472-2480 (2013)

Effect of modafinil on cognitive functions in alcohol dependent patients: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial

Joos, L., Goudriaan, A.E., Van den Brink, W., Sabbe, B.G.C. & Dom, G.
Verschenen in Journal of Psychopharmacology, 27 (11), 998-1006 (2013)

Modafinil bij alcoholafhankelijke patiënten: het effect op terugval

Joos, L., Schmaal, L., Broos, N. & Goudriaan, A.E.
Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 55 (2013)

Meaning Making in Cancer Survivors: A Focus Group Study

Van der Spek, N., Vos, J., van Uden-Kraan, C.F., Breitbart, W., Tollenaar, R.A.E.M., Cuijpers, P. & Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M.
Verschenen in PLoS ONE, 8 (9) (2013)
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