The burden of disease in patients eligible for mentalization-based treatment (MBT): quality of life and costs
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The association between ethnic background and characteristics of first mental health treatment for psychotic disorders in the Netherlands between 2001 and 2005
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Patterns of Care Consumption after Compulsory Admission: A Five-Year Follow-Up to the Amsterdam Study of Acute Psychiatry VIII
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Pathways through care of severely mentally ill individuals experiencing multiple public crisis events: a qualitative description
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Narcissism, self-esteem, shame regulation and juvenile delinquency
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The efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression: A meta-analysis update
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Imagery Rescripting as stand-alone treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood abuse
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Brain function during cognitive flexibility and white matter integrity in alcohol-dependent patients, problematic drinkers and healthy controls
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Risk of Criminal Victimisation in Outpatients with Common Mental Health Disorders
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Glutamatergic markers, age, intellectual functioning and psychosis in 22q11 deletion syndrome.
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PRODH rs450046 and proline x COMT Val¹⁵⁸ Met interaction effects on intelligence and startle in adults with 22q11 deletion syndrome
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Emotieregulatie hoort in het therapeutisch arsenaal bij complexe PTSS: consensus en evidence
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Complexe PTSS na vroegkinderlijk trauma: emotieregulatietraining als aanvulling op de PTSS-richtlijn
Thomaes, K., Dorrepaal, E., van Balkom, A.J.L.M., Veltman, D.J., Smit, J.H., Hoogendoorn, A.W. & Draijer, N.
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Complexe PTSS na vroegkinderlijk trauma: emotieregulatietraining als aanvulling op de PTSS richtlijn
Thomaes, K., Dorrepaal, E., van Balkom, A.J.J.M., Veltman, D.J., Smit, J.H., Hoogendoorn, A.W. & Draijer, N.
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Self-wise, Other-wise, Streetwise (SOS) training: a novel intervention to reduce victimization in dual diagnosis psychiatric patients with substance use disorders: protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Victimisation in adults with severe mental illness: prevalence and risk factors
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Effect of extended-release naltrexone on striatal dopamine transporter availability, depression and anhedonia in heroin-dependent patients
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Subchronic administration of short-acting naltrexone has no effect on striatal dopamine transporter availability, food intake or body weight gain in rats
Zaaijer, E.R., de Bruin, K., la Fleur, S.E.,
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How do you feel? Detection of recurrent Major Depressive Disorder using a single-item screening tool
van Rijsbergen, G.D., Burger, H., Hollon, S.D., Elgersma, H.J., Kok, G.D.,
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