Psychopathic traits and maltreatment: Relations with aggression and mental health problems in detained boys
Vahl, P., Colins, O.F., Lodewijks, H.P.B., Lindauer, R., Markus, M.T., Doreleijers, T.A.H. & Vermeiren, R.R.
Verschenen in International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 46, 129-136 (2016)
Acceptability of Extended-Release Naltrexone by Heroin-Dependent Patients and Addiction Treatment Providers in the Netherlands
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Investigating biological traces of traumatic stress in changing societies: challenges and directions from the ESTSS Task Force on Neurobiology
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Simulating Computer Adaptive Testing With the Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire
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Feasibility and reliability of the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS computer adaptive tests for depression and anxiety in clinical subjects
Flens, G., Roorda, L.D., Smits, N., Terwee, C.B., Spinhoven, P. &
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Comparing methods to denote treatment outcome in clinical research and benchmarking mental health care
De Beurs, E., Barendregt, M., de Heer, A., van Duijn, E., Goeree, B., Kloos, M., Kooiman, K., Lionarons, H. & Merks, A.
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Distinct white-matter aberrations in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and patients at ultra-high risk for psychosis
Bakker, G., Caan, M.W.A., Schluter, R.S., Bloemen, O.J.N., da Silva-Alves, F.,
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Cortical Morphology Differences in Subjects at Increased Vulnerability for Developing a Psychotic Disorder: A Comparison between Subjects with Ultra-High Risk and 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
Bakker, G., Caan, M.W.A., Vingerhoets, W.A.M., da Silva-Alves, F.,
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Verschenen in PlosOne (2016)
The Conscience as a Regulatory Function: Empathy, Shame, Pride, Guilt, and Moral Orientation in Delinquent Adolescents.
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Helpful Factors in the Treatment of Depression from the Patient’s, Carer’s and Professional’s Perspective: A Concept Map Study
Van Grieken, R.A., Verburg, H.F., Koeter, M.W.J., Stricker, J.,
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Patterns of Care Consumption after Compulsory Admission: A Five-Year Follow-Up to the Amsterdam Study of Acute Psychiatry VIII
Van der Post, L.,
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Differential efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic therapy for major depression: a study of prescriptive factors
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Establishing reference values for age-related spermatogonial quantity in prepubertal human testes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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Feedback-informed treatment in emergency psychiatry; a randomised controlled trial
van Oenen, F.J., Schippers, S.,
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Homesick: residential and care patterns in patients with severe mental illness
De Mooij, L.D.,
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Pain as a risk factor for common mental disorders. Results from the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study-2: a longitudinal, population-based study
de Heer, W.E., ten Have, M., van Marwijk, H.W.J.,
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Pathways through care of severely mentally ill individuals experiencing multiple public crisis events: a qualitative description
Hensen, M.J.,
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Verschenen in BMC Psychiatry, 16, 84 (2016)