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A National Quality Improvement Collaborative for the clinical use of outcome measurement in specialised mental healthcare: results from a parallel group design and a nested cluster randomised controlled trial
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A digital intake approach in specialized mental health care: study protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial
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Research Review: The effectiveness of multidimensional family therapy in treating adolescents with multiple behavior problems – a meta-analysis
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Cognitive-behavioral versus psychodynamic therapy for major depression: Secondary outcomes of a randomized clinical trial
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Intensieve nazorg voorkomt BOPZ-heropname niet: EEN PROSPECTIEF COHORTONDERZOEK MET 5 JAAR FOLLOW-UP
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The role of affect in predicting depressive symptomatology in remitted recurrently depressed patients
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Loneliness and cardiovascular disease and the role of late-life depression
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Posttraumatic growth among head and neck cancer survivors with psychological distress
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The unique relation of childhood emotional maltreatment with mental health problems among detained male and female adolescents
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Childhood traumatic experiences and mental health problems in sexually offending and non-sexually offending juveniles
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