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Crisis intervention and acute pscyhiatry in Amsterdam, 20 years of change: A historical comparison of consultations in 1983 and 2004-2005

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Das Stepped-Care-Modell: Von der Minimalintervention zur umfassende Behandlung

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The efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression: a meta-analysis

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De Cannabisshow. Een preventieve peer-education methode op het podium.

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The current status of urban-rural differences in psychiatric disorders

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Guided CBT Internet Interventions: Specific Issues in Supporting Clients with Depression, Anxiety and Co-morbid Conditions

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Early intervention in patients at ultra high risk of psychosis: benefits and risks.

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The relationship between spasticity in young children (18 months of age) with cerebral palsy and their gross motor function development

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Filicide; psychiatrische aspecten van kinderdoding door ouders – een literatuuroverzicht

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Parkinsonisme tijdens valproïnezuurgebruik bij een patiënte met een bipolaire stoornis

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Apoptose in maligne B-cellen van patiënten met chronische lymfatische leukemie

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