Effects of 10 add-on HF-rTMS treatment sessions on alcohol use and craving among detoxified inpatients with alcohol use disorder: a randomized sham-controlled clinical trial
Hoven, M.,
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Associations Between Child Maltreatment, Inflammation, and Comorbid Metabolic Syndrome to Depressed Mood in a Multiethnic Urban Population: The HELIUS Study
Willemen, F.E.M., van Zuiden, M., Zantvoord, J.B., de Rooij, S.R., van den Born, B.H., Hak, A.E.,
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Verschenen in Frontiers in Psychology, 13:787029 (2022)
Diversiteit en psychiatrie
De Koning, M.B., Dom, G., Duvivier, R.,
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The effectiveness of intensive home treatment as a substitute for hospital admission in acute psychiatric crisis resolution in the Netherlands: a two-centre Zelen double-consent randomised controlled trial
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Metacognition and the effect of incentive motivation in two compulsive disorders: Gambling disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder
Hoven, M., de Boer, N.S.,
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Violent victimization and revictimization in patients with depressive disorders: context characteristics, disclosure rates, and gender differences
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General Demographics and Behavioral Patterns of Visitors Using a Self-help Website for Identification of and Intervention in Alcoholism and Common Mental Disorders in Suriname: Descriptive Study
Jadnanansing, R.,
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Psychometrische evaluatie van een beoordelaarsschaal voor het meten van de behandelintegriteit bij de uitvoering van Kortdurende Psycho-analytische Steungevende Psychotherapie (KPSP)
Vroegop, M., Hendriksen, M., Kortrijk, R., ten Klooster, P.,
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Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 3 (2022)
Deinstitutionalization from the perspective of community-dwelling adults with a severe mental illness in Amsterdam: a cohort study protocol
Segeren, M., Lauriks, S.,
Kikkert, M.J., Heering, J.,
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Verschenen in BMC Public Health, 22 (2022)
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy-enhanced compared with treatment-as-usual for anorexia nervosa in an inpatient and outpatient routine setting: a consecutive cohort study
Van den Berg, E.M.,
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Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in Journal of Eating Disorders, 10 (1) (2022)
Cluster B versus Cluster C Personality Disorders: A Comparison of Comorbidity, Suicidality, Traumatization and Global Functioning
Massaal-van der Ree, L.Y., Eikelenboom, M., Hoogendoorn, A.W.,
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Verschenen in Behavioral Sciences, 12 (4) (2022)
Associations between personality traits and suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in patients with personality disorders
Boot, K., Wiebenga, J.X.M., Eikelenboom, M., van Oppen, P.,
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Verschenen in Comprehensive Psychiatry, 112 (2022)
The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on social relationships of forensic psychiatric outpatients with preexisting social network-related problems: A mixed methods study
Swinkels, L.T.A.,
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Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice, 1-16 (2022)
Comparing the effectiveness and predictors of cognitive behavioural therapy-enhanced between patients with various eating disorder diagnoses: a naturalistic study
Melisse, B.,
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Alcohol use disorder relapse factors: an exploratory investigation of craving, alcohol dependence severity, and meaning in life
Sliedrecht, W., Seesink, H.J., Vrijmoeth, C.,
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Verschenen in Addiction Research & Theory (2022)
Prognostic value of concurrent personality pathology for treatment outcome in anxiety and depressive disorders: The Leiden routine outcome monitoring study
van Eden, W.A., Carlier, I.V., Giltay, E., van Hemert, A.M., Spinhoven, P. &
De Beurs, E.Verschenen in Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (2022)
A survey of depression and anxiety disorders in urban and rural Suriname
Jadnanansing, R.,
De Beurs, E., Etwaroo, K.,
Blankers, M., Dwarkasing, R.,
Peen, J., Lumsden, V., Bipat, R. &
Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in BMC Public Health, 22 (2022)
Neurobiological Responses towards Stimuli Depicting Aggressive Interactions in Delinquent Young Adults and Controls: No Relation to Reactive and Proactive Aggression
Ter Harmsel, J.F., van Dongen, J.D.M., Zijlmans, J.,
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Popma, A.Verschenen in Brain Sciences, 12 (2) (2022)