

Motivational signals disrupt metacognitive signals in the human ventromedial prefrontal cortex

Hoven, M., Brunner, G., de Boer, N.S., Goudriaan, A.E., Denys, D., Van Holst, R.J., Luigjes, J, & Lebreton, M.
Verschenen in Communications Biology, 5 (1) (2022)

Genome-wide association analyses of symptom severity among clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder

Okhuijsen-Pfeifer, C., van der Horst, M.Z., Bousman, C.A., Lin, B., van Eijk, K.R., Ripke, S., Ayhan, Y., Jeger-Land, E., De Koning, M.B., GROUP investigators & Luykx, J. (et al.)
Verschenen in Translational Psychiatry, 12, 145 (2022)

Variety in Alcohol Use Disorder Relapse Definitions: Should the Term “Relapse” Be Abandoned?

Sliedrecht, W., Roozen, H., De Waart, R., Dom, G. & Witkiewitz, K.
Verschenen in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83 (2), 248-259 (2022)

A Note on the Structural Change Test in Highly Parameterized Psychometric Models

Huth, K., Waldorp, L.J., Luigjes, J,, Goudriaan, A.E., Van Holst, R.J. & Marsman, M.
Verschenen in Psychometrika, 1064-1080, 87 (3) (2022)

Trauma and Outcomes of Mentalization-Based Therapy for Individuals With Borderline Personality Disorder

Smits, M.L., Luyten, P., Feenstra, D.J., Bales, D.L., Kamphuis, J.H., Dekker, J.J.M., Verheul, R. & Busschbach, J.J.V.
Verschenen in American Journal of Psychotherapy, 75 (1), 12-20 (2022)

Hoe bewezen effectief is de guideline-informed treatment for personality disorders (GIT-PD)?

Hutsebaut, J., Bachrach, N., Kindt, K.C.M. & Van Dam, L.J.H.
Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 64 (1), 18-24 (2022)

Oxidative stress in psychosis: a new target for intervention?

Hagen, J., Sutterland, A.L., Wezenberg, B.N., Tan, H.L. & De Haan, L.
Verschenen in Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie, 64 (1), 38-42 (2022)

Prevalence of substance use disorders in an urban and a rural area in Suriname

Jadnanansing, R., Blankers, M., Dwarkasing, R., Etwaroo, K., Lumsden, V., Dekker, J.J.M. & Bipat, R.
Verschenen in Tropical Medicine and Health, 49 (12) (2021)

Verdachten met verward gedrag in Amsterdamse politiecel; betere samenwerking tussen psychiater en officier van justitie

Van der Post, L., Zoeteman, J., van Luik, S., van Oudenaren, M.J.F. & Dekker, J.J.M.
Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 63 (12), 854-860 (2023)

The Association Between Impulsivity and Relapse in Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder: A Literature Review

Sliedrecht, W., Roozen, H.G., Witkiewitz, K., De Waart, R. & Dom, G.
Verschenen in Alcohol & Alcoholism, 56 (6), 637-650 (2021)

Individualized prediction of three- and six-year outcomes of psychosis in a longitudinal multicenter study: a machine learning approach

de Nijs, J., Burger, T., Janssen, R.J., Mostafa Kia, S., van Opstal, D.P.J., De Koning, M.B., De Haan, L., GROUP Investigators, Cahn, W. & Schnack, H.G.
Verschenen in Nature: Schizophrenia (2021)

Reasons for Participation and Nonparticipation in Psychological Relapse Prevention for Anxiety and Depression: A Qualitative Study

Scholten, W., Munting, A., Batelaan, N., Draisma, S., De Jonge, M. & van Balkom, A.
Verschenen in Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 27 (3), 184-193 (2021)

De Nederlandstalige DSM-5 Persoonlijkheidsvragenlijst (PID-5-NL): psychometrische eigenschappen en klinische toepassing

Berghuis, H., Lemaire, L., Ingenhoven, T.J.M., Rossi, G. & van der Heijden, P.T.
Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 63 (11), 796-803 (2021)

Predictors of voluntary and compulsory admissions after psychiatric emergency consultation in youth

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Verschenen in European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 30, 747-756 (2021)

Alcohol Reduction to Reduce Relapse in Acute Alcoholic Pancreatitis-Missed Opportunities

Sissingh, N.J., Umans, D.S., Goudriaan, A.E., Sijbom, M., Verdonk, R.C. & van Hooft, J.E.
Verschenen in Alcohol and Alcoholism, agab014 (2021)
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