Motivational signals disrupt metacognitive signals in the human ventromedial prefrontal cortex
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Genome-wide association analyses of symptom severity among clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder
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Variety in Alcohol Use Disorder Relapse Definitions: Should the Term “Relapse” Be Abandoned?
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A Note on the Structural Change Test in Highly Parameterized Psychometric Models
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Trauma and Outcomes of Mentalization-Based Therapy for Individuals With Borderline Personality Disorder
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Impact of COVID-19 social distancing measures on routine mental health care provision and treatment outcome for common mental disorders in the Netherlands
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Oxidative stress in psychosis: a new target for intervention?
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Prevalence of substance use disorders in an urban and a rural area in Suriname
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Verdachten met verward gedrag in Amsterdamse politiecel; betere samenwerking tussen psychiater en officier van justitie
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Assessing the effect of multidimensional family therapy in adolescents on police arrests against a background of falling crime rates. A randomised controlled trial with 7-year follow-up
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The Association Between Impulsivity and Relapse in Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder: A Literature Review
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De ondervertegenwoordiging van complexe patiëntengroepen in wetenschappelijk onderzoek: ethische overwegingen
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Individualized prediction of three- and six-year outcomes of psychosis in a longitudinal multicenter study: a machine learning approach
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Reasons for Participation and Nonparticipation in Psychological Relapse Prevention for Anxiety and Depression: A Qualitative Study
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De Nederlandstalige DSM-5 Persoonlijkheidsvragenlijst (PID-5-NL): psychometrische eigenschappen en klinische toepassing
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Effectiveness of a digital alcohol moderation intervention as an add-on to depression treatment for young adults: study protocol of a multicentre pragmatic randomized controlled trial
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Predictors of voluntary and compulsory admissions after psychiatric emergency consultation in youth
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Alcohol Reduction to Reduce Relapse in Acute Alcoholic Pancreatitis-Missed Opportunities
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Police Encounters, Agitation, Diagnosis, and Employment Predict Psychiatric Hospitalisation of Intensive Home Treatment Patients During a Psychiatric Crisis
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The effects of intensive home treatment on self-efficacy in patients recovering from a psychiatric crisis
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Development of a Wearable Biocueing App (Sense-IT) Among Forensic Psychiatric Outpatients With Aggressive Behavior: Design and Evaluation Study
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Neural correlates of treatment effect and prediction of treatment outcome in patients with PTSD and comorbid personality disorder: study design
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