Enquêteresultaten bespreken in cliëntenpanels: nuttige aanpak voor cliëntenraad
Riemersma, M.,
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Alcohol use disorder treatment via video conferencing compared with in-person therapy during COVID-19 social distancing: A non-inferiority comparison of three cohorts
De Beurs, E., Rademacher, C.,
Blankers, M.,
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Diagnostic accuracy of the Dutch version of the Somatic Symptom Disorder – B Criteria Scale (SSD-12) compared to the Whiteley Index (WI) and PHQ-15 in a clinical population
van der Feltz-Cornelis, C.M., Sweetman, J., van Eck van der Sluis, J.F., Kamp, C.A.D., de Vroege, L. &
De Beurs, E.Verschenen in Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 173 (2023)
Applying the Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management to evaluate quality of care alongside the merger of mental health care institutes in Amsterdam: a five year pre–post study
Nabitz, U.W., Klazinga, N., Muller, J., Schramade, M., Lans, M. & Osseman, D.
Verschenen in International Journal of Quality in Health Care, 3 (2) (2023)
Interrater Reliability of the Psychological Mindedness Assessment Procedure, Extended (Dutch) Version, in a Clinical Patient Population
Segaar, J.,
Ingenhoven, T.J.M.,
Berghuis, H.,
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Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in Journal of Personality Assessment (2023)
Norms and T-scores for screeners of alcohol use, depression and anxiety in the population of Suriname
De Beurs, E., Jadnanansing, R., Etwaroo, K.,
Blankers, M., Bipat, R.,
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Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14 (2023)
Diversiteit en psychiatrie
De Koning, M.B., Dom, G., Duvivier, R.,
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Prognostic value of concurrent personality pathology for treatment outcome in anxiety and depressive disorders: The Leiden routine outcome monitoring study
van Eden, W.A., Carlier, I.V., Giltay, E., van Hemert, A.M., Spinhoven, P. &
De Beurs, E.Verschenen in Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (2022)
A survey of depression and anxiety disorders in urban and rural Suriname
Jadnanansing, R.,
De Beurs, E., Etwaroo, K.,
Blankers, M., Dwarkasing, R.,
Peen, J., Lumsden, V., Bipat, R. &
Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in BMC Public Health, 22 (2022)
Impact of COVID-19 social distancing measures on routine mental health care provision and treatment outcome for common mental disorders in the Netherlands
De Beurs, E.,
Blankers, M.,
Peen, J., Rademacher, C., Podgorski, A. &
Dekker, J.J.M.Verschenen in Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (2022)
De ondervertegenwoordiging van complexe patiëntengroepen in wetenschappelijk onderzoek: ethische overwegingen
De Koning, M.B.,
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Support for the higher-order factor structure of the WHODAS 2.0 self-report version in a Dutch outpatient psychiatric setting
Williams, G.L.,
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Verschenen in Quality of Life Research, 30, 2939-2949 (2021)