Patterns of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and social functioning in schizophrenia; a replication study
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The impact of affective symptoms on personal recovery of patients with severe mental illness
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Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) investigators. Association Between Smoking Behavior and Cognitive Functioning in Patients With Psychosis, Siblings, and Healthy Control Subjects: Results From a Prospective 6-Year Follow-Up Study
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The relationship between clinical and personal recovery in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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Advanced Glycation End Products in Recent-Onset Psychosis Indicate Early Onset of Cardiovascular Risk
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Cortical Morphology Differences in Subjects at Increased Vulnerability for Developing a Psychotic Disorder: A Comparison between Subjects with Ultra-High Risk and 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
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Homesick: residential and care patterns in patients with severe mental illness
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Establishing reference values for age-related spermatogonial quantity in prepubertal human testes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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The association between ethnic background and characteristics of first mental health treatment for psychotic disorders in the Netherlands between 2001 and 2005
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Pathways through care of severely mentally ill individuals experiencing multiple public crisis events: a qualitative description
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Glutamatergic markers, age, intellectual functioning and psychosis in 22q11 deletion syndrome.
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PRODH rs450046 and proline x COMT Val¹⁵⁸ Met interaction effects on intelligence and startle in adults with 22q11 deletion syndrome
De Koning, M.B., van Duin, E.D., Boot, E., Bloemen, O.J., Bakker, J.A., Abel, K.M. & van Amelsvoort, T.A.
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Victimisation in adults with severe mental illness: prevalence and risk factors
De Mooij, L.D.,
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Pre-pulse inhibition and striatal dopamine in subjects at an ultra-high risk for psychosis
De Koning, M.B., Bloemen, O.J.N., van Duin, E.D.A., Booij, J., Abel, K.M.,
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Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Self-Sufficiency Matrix (SSM-D)
Fassaert, T., Lauriks, S., van de Weerd, S., Theunissen, J.,
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Are long-term psychiatric patients causing more crisis consultations outside office hours in mental health care?
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Striatal dopamine D2/3 receptor binding following dopamine depletion in subjects at Ultra High Risk for psychosis
Bloemen, O.J.N.,
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Verschenen in European Neuropsychopharmacology, 23 (2), 126-132 (2013)
Startle reactivity and prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response are modulated by catechol-O-methyl-transferase Val158Met polymorphism in adults with 22q11 deletion syndrome
De Koning, M.B., Boot, E., Bloemen, O.J.N., van Duin, E.D.A., Abel, K.M.,
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Na de extramuralisering; een retrospectief onderzoek naar omvang en zorggebruik van de groep chronische patiënten in de Amsterdamse ggz
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Hippocampal Glutamate Levels and Striatal Dopamine D2/3 Receptor Occupancy in Subjects at Ultra High Risk of Psychosis
Bloemen, O.J.N., Gleich, T.,
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Verschenen in Biological Psychiatry, 70 (1), e1-e2 (2011)
The predective validity of subjective adherence measures in patients with schizophrenia
Kikkert, M.J., Koeter, M.W.J.,
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Verschenen in International Journal of Mehods in Psychiatric Research, 20 (2), 73-81 (2011)