Measuring process indicators and adverse events to assess the quality of care for inpatients with psychosis
Vermeulen, J.M., van Rooijen, G., van Tricht, M.J., van Dijk, M. &
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Longitudinal evidence for a relation between depressive symptoms and quality of life in schizophrenia using structural equation modeling
van Rooijen, G., van Rooijen, M., Maat, A., Vermeulen, J.M., Meijer, C.J., Ruhé, H.G.,
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Verschenen in Schizophrenia Researh, 208, 82-89 (2019)
Linking childhood emotional abuse and depressive symptoms: The role of emotion dysregulation and interpersonal problems
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Integrated cognitive behavioral therapy for ADHD in adult substance use disorder patients: Results of a randomized clinical trial
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Individualized Prediction of Transition to Psychosis in 1,676 Individuals at Clinical High Risk: Development and Validation of a Multivariable Prediction Model Based on Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis
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Verschenen in Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 345 (2019)
Overview of European forensic youth care: towards an integrative mission for prevention and intervention strategies for juvenile offenders
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Common elements of evidence-based systemic treatments for adolescents with disruptive behaviour problems
Van der Pol, T.M., van Domburg, L., van Widenfelt, B.M., Hurlburt, M.S., Garland, A.F. & Vermeiren, R.R.J.M.
Verschenen in The Lancet Psychiatry, 6 (10), 862-868 (2019)
Long-Term Outcome of Treatment for Persistent Depressive Disorder: A Naturalistic Follow-Up Study
Emmelkamp, J., Kooistra, L., van Oppen, P., van Schaik, D.J.F., Hoogendoorn, D.,
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PROSPER: Prediction and Outcome Study in Comorbid PTSD and Personality Disorders: Design of Two RCTs
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Alteration to hippocampal volume and shape confined to cannabis dependence: a multi-site study
Chye, Y., Lorenzetti, V., Suo, C., Batalla, A., Cousijn, J.,
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Positive mental health among cancer survivors: overlap in psychological well-being, personal meaning, and posttraumatic growth
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A demonstration of a multi-method variable selection approach for treatment selection: Recommending cognitive-behavioral versus psychodynamic therapy for mild to moderate adult depression
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Acceptance of pharmaceutical cannabis substitution by cannabis using patients with schizophrenia
van Amsterdam, J., Vervloet, J., de Weert, G., Buwalda, V.J.A.,
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Verschenen in Harm Reduction Journal (BMC / Brief report / Open Access), 15, 47 (2018)
Application of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) item parameters for Anxiety and Depression in the Netherlands
van Bebber, J., Flens, G., Wigman, J.T.W.,
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Verschenen in International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 27(4), e1744, 1-8 (2018)
Cost-Utility Analysis of Meaning-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Cancer Survivors
Van der Spek, N., Jansen, F., Holtmaat, K., Vos, J., Breitbart, W., van Uden-Kraan, C.F., Tollenaar, R.A.E.M., Cuijpers, P. & Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M.
Verschenen in Psycho-oncology, 27 (7), 1772-1779 (2018)