Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for individuals at risk for psychosis or with a first psychotic episode: A qualitative study on patients’ perspectives
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Patients’ and volunteer coaches’ experiences with an informal social network intervention in forensic psychiatric care: a qualitative analysis
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Diversiteit en psychiatrie
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Genome-wide association analyses of symptom severity among clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder
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De ondervertegenwoordiging van complexe patiëntengroepen in wetenschappelijk onderzoek: ethische overwegingen
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Individualized prediction of three- and six-year outcomes of psychosis in a longitudinal multicenter study: a machine learning approach
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Medication strategies in first episode psychosis patients: A survey among psychiatrists
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Beeldbellen in de GGZ: de mening van cliënten van Arkin
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Zorgverlening in tijden van corona: ervaringen van behandelaars met zorg-op-afstand
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Association between cognitive phenotype in unaffected siblings and prospective 3- and 6-year clinical outcome in their proband affected by psychosis
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The bumpy road to achieve reliability of clinical profile characteristics in psychosis and related disorders
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The impact of affective symptoms on personal recovery of patients with severe mental illness
Van Eck, R.,
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Dopamine in high-risk populations: A comparison of subjects with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and subjects at ultra high-risk for psychosis
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Distinct white-matter aberrations in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and patients at ultra-high risk for psychosis
Bakker, G., Caan, M.W.A., Schluter, R.S., Bloemen, O.J.N., da Silva-Alves, F.,
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Cortical Morphology Differences in Subjects at Increased Vulnerability for Developing a Psychotic Disorder: A Comparison between Subjects with Ultra-High Risk and 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
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Homesick: residential and care patterns in patients with severe mental illness
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Glutamatergic markers, age, intellectual functioning and psychosis in 22q11 deletion syndrome.
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