An individual participant data meta-analysis of psychological interventions for preventing depression relapse
Breedvelt, J.J.F., Karyotaki, E., Warren, F.C., Brouwer, M.,
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Treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa and comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder; where do we stand? A systematic scoping review
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Web-based guided self-help cognitive behavioral therapy-enhanced versus treatment as usual for binge-eating disorder: a randomized controlled trial protocol
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Economic evaluation of preventive cognitive therapy versus care as usual in cognitive behavioral therapy responders
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Economic evaluation of web-based guided self-help cognitive behavioral therapy-enhanced for binge-eating disorder compared to a waiting list: A randomized controlled trial
Melisse, B.,
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Efficacy of Web-Based, Guided Self-help Cognitive Behavioral Therapy–Enhanced for Binge Eating Disorder: Randomized Controlled Trial
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Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy-enhanced compared with treatment-as-usual for anorexia nervosa in an inpatient and outpatient routine setting: a consecutive cohort study
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Comparing the effectiveness and predictors of cognitive behavioural therapy-enhanced between patients with various eating disorder diagnoses: a naturalistic study
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Reasons for Participation and Nonparticipation in Psychological Relapse Prevention for Anxiety and Depression: A Qualitative Study
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Online cognitive behavioral therapyenhanced for binge eating disorder: studyprotocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Preventive Cognitive Therapy Versus Care as Usual in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Responders: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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The association between the number of previous episodes and modifiable vulnerability factors in remitted patients with recurrent depression
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Prevalence and predictors of violent victimization in remitted patients with recurrent depression
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The role of affect in predicting depressive symptomatology in remitted recurrently depressed patients
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