

Alcohol use as a predictor of the course of major depressive disorder: a prospective population-based study

Schouten, M.J.E., ten Have, M., Tuithof, M., de Graaf, R., Dekker, J.J.M., Goudriaan, A.E. & Blankers, M.
Verschenen in Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 32 (e14), 1-8 (2023)

Therapeutic effect of psilocybin in addiction: A systematic review

van der Meer, P.B., Fuentes, J.J., Kaptein, A.A., Schoones, J.W., De Waal, M.M., Goudriaan, A.E., Kramers, K., Schellekens, A., Somers, M., Bossong, M.G. & Battalla, A.
Verschenen in Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14 (2023)

Impact van rookvrijbeleid op rookgedrag van cliënten in behandeling voor stoornis in middelengebruik

Van Lakerveld, M.C., Koster, J.C.A., de Wildt, W.A.J.M., Blankers, M. & Goudriaan, A.E.
Verschenen in Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 64 (10), 604-608 (2022)

Metacognition and the effect of incentive motivation in two compulsive disorders: Gambling disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder

Hoven, M., de Boer, N.S., Goudriaan, A.E., Denys, D., Lebreton, M., Van Holst, R.J. & Luigjes, J,
Verschenen in Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 76 (9), 437-449 (2022)

Motivational signals disrupt metacognitive signals in the human ventromedial prefrontal cortex

Hoven, M., Brunner, G., de Boer, N.S., Goudriaan, A.E., Denys, D., Van Holst, R.J., Luigjes, J, & Lebreton, M.
Verschenen in Communications Biology, 5 (1) (2022)

A Note on the Structural Change Test in Highly Parameterized Psychometric Models

Huth, K., Waldorp, L.J., Luigjes, J,, Goudriaan, A.E., Van Holst, R.J. & Marsman, M.
Verschenen in Psychometrika, 1064-1080, 87 (3) (2022)

Alcohol Reduction to Reduce Relapse in Acute Alcoholic Pancreatitis-Missed Opportunities

Sissingh, N.J., Umans, D.S., Goudriaan, A.E., Sijbom, M., Verdonk, R.C. & van Hooft, J.E.
Verschenen in Alcohol and Alcoholism, agab014 (2021)
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